Training for Prophetic Creativity

Training for Prophetic Creativity - spring 2020

Training is focusing on different areas of creativity that the Holy Spirit wants to bring forth in the church.

“My message and my preaching were not accompanied by clever words of wisdom, but by a display of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith would not be based on human wisdom but on God’s power.”  I Cor.2:4-5

Power Prayer ministry is organizing training weekends for prophetic creativity in the spring 2020 at Esy Church, Veturitori 2, Eastern Pasila, Helsinki.


Training weekends are meant for born-again believers who want to give their creativity for the use of the Holy Spirit for example in prayer, declaration, worship, praise and prophetic.

Training is focusing on different areas of creativity that the Holy Spirit wants to bring forth in the church. These God given creative gifts bring powerfully forth the revelation and the will of God. 

The assignment of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus therefore it is important that we let the Holy Spirit lead and dominate our creative ways of prayer. 

for in Him we live, and move, and have our being”  Acts 17:28

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24

The themes of the weekends are for example hearing the voice of God, prayer in the Bible, creative gestures, dance, drama, praise, worship and singing in the Spirit, worship with silks, fabrics and in the interior design, painting/art and poetry. We approach all these themes from the viewpoint of prayer and prophetic.

The teachers of these training weekends are stable Christians from different churches who are experienced in their own creative giftings. The foundation of the teaching is the Word of God, the Bible. The training is under the covering of the Esy Church and the leader of the training is Miisu Piipari.

Miisu Piipari
– creative ways of prayer

Miisu Piipari is a prophetic intercessor, preacher, worship dancer and the founder and the carrier of the vision of the Power Prayer ministry. She is a member of the ESY Church and she has been ministering there for many years for example as a worship dance leader and a member of the leadership team. Miisu Piipari has produced the series on Tv 7 called “Prayer Dance” and “Worship dance seminars 2015 and 2017” and the radio series “The treasures of the Word” and “Delivering worship dance”. Miisu’s vision is to release, lift up and encourage Christians so that they could rise up into their callings in their own churches. She sees interdenominational cooperation in between the churches and denominations important.

Peter Hackzell – the Bible teaching on prayer

Peter Hackzell has been a pastor of the Esy Church together with his wife Pia since the year 2001. They have three children and five grand children and a dog called “Seymour”.
“Prophetic creativity training in 2020 will provide you an unique opportunity to learn to know God in a more intimate way and to discover and develop your calling and gifting. I warmly recommend this training.”

Veikko Lipponen – the Bible teaching on prayer

Veikko Lipponen has been one of the pastors of Esy Church for 20 years. His calling is also to teach from the Word of God.

“I want to see how the understanding of the new identity of a believer in Jesus Christ as a son or a daughter of the Heavenly Father will start to grow and bear fruit, how the Christians will get strengthened in their faith and can stand strong in the challenges of life, how a continuous fresh testimony of love and grace of the Heavenly Father affects the people around us, how every Christian could find their own unique place in the church and in the society, how every Christian could fulfill the dream of the Loving Heavenly Father for their lives by the power of God’s grace.”

Anne Rehvonen – creative gestures and acts

Anne Rehvonen has been doing Sunday school and children’s ministry for almost 20 years. Right now she is taking care of the children’s ministry at her home church, City Church and also the “Yard Sunday School” that she started in her neighborhood. She also ministers and helps with the children’s ministry projects in different churches. Anne joined the Power Prayer ministry in 2017 and she has hosted and led Power Prayer groups. Anne has a strong gift of prophecy and she loves to do prophetic gestures led by the Holy Spirit. 

Ilona Martikainen – prayer and prophetic dance

Ilona Martikainen is a ballet teacher and a professional dancer. She has been working in the worship dance area since the year 2003. She has her own ballet school in Kuopio and Pori and she has been leading worship dance seminars all around Finland, also together with Kristanssi. Prophetic dance is very close to Ilona’s heart and she wants to encourage and equip worshipers in their calling and raise up prophetic people to function in their gifting in their own churches.

Titta Hassila – prayer dance and painting/art

Titta Hassila is a psychologist and she studies the master’s degree in theology in Åbo Academy. She has also done the basic studies of dance pedagogy (in TEAK). Titta is a part time worker of Kristanssi and she has been ministering for years in the field of worship dance, prayer through body language and performing Christian dance all around Finland. Encountering God through dance and performing dance with worship groups is close to Titta’s heart. 

Mervi Koski – drama

Mervi Koski has been leading creative prayer- and worship dance groups for a couple of decades mostly in Lutheran churches. Right now Mervi is leading together with her husband “Go !”-nights at the church of Myllypuro. She has on her heart to share and encourage also others to find new ways to pray that are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Mervi has a special gift to pray with movements that God is using to deliver a prophecy with humor and childlike joy alike. 

Maarit Korhonen – drama

Maarit Korhonen is a trusted prayer minister and team leader in the Power Prayer ministry. She has been leading Power Prayer teams in Vantaa and Veikkola. Maarit has on her heart to bring people to God’s abundant goodness by using all creative ways of prayer inspired by the Holy Spirit. She has the gift of “movement prayer” where dance, drama and joy release God’s healing presence. She works at Tv 7 and she started there a worship dance program called “Worship Movement” in the year 2004.

Roope Ranne – drama, poetry

Roope Ranne ministers as a prophetic artist of Ilmestysmaja (Tabernacle) Church. He has strong gifts of evangelizing poetry and prophetic drama.

Johanna Särkkälä – singing and worship 

Johanna Särkkälä is a freelancer- worship musician, composer and producer who lives in Tampere. As a profession she is a music pedagogist and her main focuses are guitar and pop/jazz singing. Johanna has been involved in different roles in about 20 recordings (for example Petri Kosonen&band: Golden Heart, 2 solo cd’s, co-projects with Rodrigo and Saara Campos and Pekka Hautakangas, Jylistys- cd’s); as a soloist, background singer, guitarist, pianist, composer/lyricist, arranger, producer and publisher. Right now she is the leader of “Tampere ylistää” (Tampere praises”) -collective and Jylistys, worship culture of the families.
Johanna’s mission and calling is to lead the church into worship, create new worship music and train people in the area of worship in diverse ways.

Jani Pellikka – singing and worship 

Jani Pellikka is a long term worship musician who lives in Helsinki. He has been leading worship for 25 years through out all different denominations. He served also many years as a worship pastor of the “Elävä Sana” (Living Word) congregation. Jani has been involved in many recording projects and he leads right now the Sound of Heaven -band. His dream is to see the church of Finland praising and worshiping Jesus as one heart. He also writes and composes new songs. 

Henna Nieminen – singing and worship

Henna is a 25-year old evangelist-musician from Lapinjärvi. She finished her studies as a church musician in 2016. Since then she has been serving the Lord with her gifts as a full time minister. Her home church is the Agricola Finnish speaking church where she has been serving as a volunteer and a church council member. She was singing in the Spirit already during her studies even though the gifts of the Spirit had been quite unfamiliar to her until then. By studying and practising the gifts of the Spirit Henna has been able to minister and teach about the gifts she has received from the Lord in diverse ways.
“We haven’t been created to be passive, but to be active members of the body of Christ, to strengthen one another with those gifts of the Spirit that we have received.”

Leena Lehtinen – poetry

Leena Lehtinen is a Lutheran pastor who loves the unity and co-operation of the Christians. She has been doing for example counseling ministry in the hospitals, she has been involved in international evangelizing projects and she has published 6 poetry books and one meditation book. She also likes to play with colors. The most she loves Jesus and people. 

Annina Rouvinen – worship with silks, fabrics and in interior design 

Annina wants to create beauty in her environment in different ways because she believes beauty is physical manifestation of God’s glory. She expresses creativity for example in a form of dance, silk art and interior design. Annina makes worship silks and interior design art with a technique she has developed. 

Jean-François Thys – prophetic art

Jean-François ministers right now as a pioneer of the prayer house in Kouvola. He wants to release God’s power through his art and teaching in the areas of healing, equipment, encouragement and intercession.
When Jean-François moved from Brussels to Finland he opened up a prophetic art workshop called “Beautiful Bird”. New “Fire Bird” ministry form will be starting in 2020. The purpose of it is to develop art studios together with the city of Kouvola and with a Christian cafe called “Kulmakivi”. The purpose of these art workshops is to evangelize and to be part of the social welfare work.
The ministry of Jean-François wants to bring forth new and fresh art from the heart of God. With his ministry he wants to impart Christian values like freedom, peace, compassion, diversity and beauty.

Sanni Tunturipuro – Prophetic Art

“My name is Sanni Tunturipuro. My length is 150cm, my eyes are brown and I am from head to toe a total dreamer. Pictures are my world, which I love deeply.

My heart’s dream is that I could paint out what I feel Heaven is painting inside me. I dream that through my creativity, people could see how precious, wonderful, unique, and loved they are. “You are a miracle” is a phrase that pulsates inside me. You are loved. That’s how God sees you.”


Training weekends for prophetic creativity (Fri-night and Sat):

The package of eight weekends:

  •  Jan 10 – 11th , 2020. The Word of God in prayer and creative prophetic gestures
  •  Jan 24 – 25th, 2020. Prayer dance and prophetic through dance
  • Feb 7 – 8th, 2020. Drama
  • March 6 – 7th, 2020. Singing in the Spirit and prophetic worship
  • July 31 – August 1st, 2020. Poetry
  • August 21st – 22nd, 2020. Prophetic worship with silks, fabrics and in the interior design
  • August 28 – 29th, 2020. Prophetic painting/art
  •  September 11 – 12th, 2020. Power Prayer seminar ( learning to hear the voice of God and to prophesy in different creative ways)

The package of four weekends:

The package include the following training weekends + one training weekend of your choice:

  • Jan 10 – 11th , 2020. The Word of God in prayer and creative prophetic gestures
  •  Jan 24 – 25th, 2020. Prayer dance and prophetic through dance
  • September 11 – 12th, 2020. Power Prayer seminar

The weekends below are open for everybody and they include Friday night and Saturday. The attendance fee for the open weekend is 55 € which will be charged when arriving to the ESY church.

  • Jan 24 – 25th, 2020. Prayer dance and prophetic through dance
  • March 6 – 7th, 2020. Singing in the Spirit and prophetic worship
  • August 28 – 29th, 2020. Profetic painting/art
  • September 11 – 12th, 2020. Power Prayer seminar (learning to hear the voice of God and to prophesy in different creative ways)

The package of eight weekends
The total price for the eight training weekends is 280 €.

The package of four weekends
The package of four weekends include the following training weekends + one training weekend of your choice:

  • Jan 10 – 11th , 2020. The Word of God in prayer and creative prophetic gestures
  •  Jan 24 – 25th, 2020. Prayer dance and prophetic through dance
  • September 11 – 12th, 2020. Power Prayer seminar

The price for four training weekends is 180 €.

In order for you to participate in four or eight training weekends you need two recommendations. People who recommend you can be the pastors of your church or for example the leaders of your prayer or Bible study groups. Print out the form and attach it to your application form.

Recommendation form (in Finnish)

The dead line for the four or eight training weekends is Dec 15th, 2019. There is a limited number for the applicants for the training weekends and the applicants are accepted in numerical order.

You are warmly welcome !
We bless you !

Miisu Piipari
Power Prayer – training leader

Jaana Koivunen
training coordinator

info (at) powerprayer.fi

Subscribe to information letter

Do you want to have extra information ?
To all who are interested we’ll send an information letter with more detailed information (only in Finnish).
