

Power Prayer equips and encourages Christians to grow in their ministry callings so that they can rise up into their callings within their own congregations and churches.

Power Prayer is a prophetic-apostolic ministry

Power Prayer is a prophetic and apostolic ministry where the gifts of the Holy Spirit are diversely used and respected through teaching of the Bible and through creative practise like through dance, poetry, arts, singing etc. We believe that everybody has something to give.

1 Cor. 14:26
When you gather, everyone has a psalm, teaching, revelation, tongue, or interpretation. Everything must be done for upbuilding.


Power Prayer ministry is about hearing the voice of God, obeying His will,
being released to your calling through inner healing and intimate love relationship with Jesus.


Power Prayer webinar on Zoom: Restful relationship with God, part 1/5, 17.1.2025


Power Prayer seminar: Day in the presence of loving Father 18.1.2025 MÄNTSÄLÄ


Power Prayer seminar: Day in the presence of loving Father 25.1.2025 VAASA


Power Prayer Prophetic Winter Camp 14.-16.2.2025 VIHTI


Power Prayer Seminar KOKKOLA 21.-22.2.2025


The Year of Glory 3.-5.1.2025 HELSINKI


Coming sermons by Miisu

Event calendar 2025

Power Prayer Groups

Prophetic Equipping Nights Spring 2025

Bible School of Prophetic Creativity 2023

 Sanan Helmiä -episodes

Episodes of Sanan Helmiä (short Bible teaching program) are available  on TV7  (English texts). Episodes also on Power Prayer’s YouTube channel and Facebook. (Only in Finnish)

Power Prayer is in TV7’s prayer program

Come to watch and listen to the intercessory prayer programs on the TV7 channel!
Prayer requests can be sent in advance to rokus@tv7.fi.
During the evening, a telephone line will also be opened to the studio.
You can also follow the broadcast on TV7’s Facebook page Taivas TV7

This is how you can recognize God's Spirit: Every spirit who acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. 1 John 4:2


A sweet word from underneath the ocean. Longing, love and the desperate need to empty one’s heart, to achieve freedom. Dried up tears, which strike against the face and shed their own sorrow.

I am crushed – but not willing to collapse! something inside of me is shouting.
Is it perhaps my stubborn Finnish heritage. Let my soul cry out in agony as long as it desires, but I will not give up.

Rebellion tires me, and I am sinking into the boring mode of surrender. May the others shout out and survive, I can no longer. Why should I be better than someone else?

No! shouts a persistent voice even louder somewhere deep inside. Alright, I give in. I must try again.

I breathe in oxygen for my lungs and I notice myself floating on a warm ocean surface. The little waves stroke my cheeks and compensate the loss of oxygen from the depths.

How easy it is for everyone else, but poor me, I simply face trials without an end.

Just a few more strokes to the shore. Dragging my tired body after a long dive, I reach the border between earth and water. What if I remain here and let myself erode amongst the other dead plants.

I sigh and know I have already lost the fight. I still would not give up nor be neglectful. I simply am not. I am beautiful, despite my anger and exhaustion.

I am beautiful because I have received life. I am beautiful because you made me. I am beautiful because you are. I exist because of you. That is the essence of it all. From your depths springs forth life. You are life and I am your daughter. Beautiful and relentless.

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6"
